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One could reserve a seat with airlines telefono simply by visiting its official website and clicking on the ‘Book Your trip’ option. One has to choose the place of departure, destination, dates, preferred class, seat and the amount to pay will display. Pay the amount and your seat is reserved. This is something that one will find with every airline. What makes Copa Airlines different is it gives an option for “hold” which implies that one can hold the desired seat in a flight for a particular date, for a destination without paying for it at that point in time. It holds your seat for 24 hours, at the same cost. Although, the reservation would automatically turn void if not paid within 24 hours. One associated condition is that one should have to log in with his registered ID with Copa Airlines to avail of the holding facility. Along with this, one could also just see the airfare without actually availing reservation, by clicking and putting the itinerary details in the ‘Book Your Trip’ option on the website. One could include up to 8 people in a single reservation. It also offers reservations under the same day, so if one wishes to board a flight on the same day, he will have to reserve the seat at least 4 hours prior to the departure time. It is also possible to make reservations for other people from your own registered ID with Copa Airlines. Once the reservation is made, the passenger receives a confirmation message.
500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158